Friday, February 1, 2008

Repetition brings success.

This last Wednesday's weekly chess club meeting was very successful for me. I played many games against decent opposition and won every game. I will provide all games here. As soon as I get the time, I'll actually annotate one of the games which I think was the most brilliant of the night. Even an 1800USCF told me it was a beautiful game. This is all proof that repeating tactical exercises pays off. However, it's not enough to just memorize tactical shots. One must be able to conduct them in their games. Here are my games from this week's chess club meeting(with the exception of the game I will annotate):


damourax said...

Dear God Nemo!
You wore fucking amazing!

Hope you continue having such awesome success on your journey!

I'm preparing for a tournament next month, it covers the entire state, so I'll need a cool opening preparation, what do you suggest?

I think that your truly USCF rating is something about 1650 - 1750, when do you gonna have rated games? =]

Glenn Wilson said...


Polly said...

Great games! Excellent tactics in there.