Sunday, May 18, 2008

Circles finished!

Yup that's right! Sorry I've been absent for awhile guys. I lost my job and have had trouble getting access to the internet. However, I did manage to finish the Seven Circles and am glad to say that I now belong under the 'Knights Victorious' so update your bars Tacticus Maximus!

Also, I've been kicking some major butt on When I made my last post, my rating was 1545 on and I was getting my butt royally kicked! Since then, I've played 20 games and only lost 4. My rating is now a whopping 1708! This is pretty big for me considering I never thought I'd make it this far. However, one of my games doesn't look like it's going too well for me at the moment so the rating will probably drop back into the 1600's. We shall see!

***UPDATE*** rating is now 1750!


Glenn Wilson said...


Sir Nemo said...

Thanks! I hope I can reach the Expert level within a year from now!

Dean said...

Good job! Would you say it's been worth it?

Temposchlucker said...

Congratulations! Your rating is still a little low to quit your dayly job though:)

The Caquetio Knight said...

Way to go!!!
See you on

drunknknite said...


Now you need to read. What books do you have? I would focus on the Endgame at this point if I were you. You will get the most practical use out of it.

You are now inspiring me. I haven't worked on chess in a couple months in any real capacity. But I forgot that working on it and making progress is fun. I need to start studying. I hope to play a lot of games this summer.

Sir Nemo said...

dean - Thanks! It's totally been worth it. There was much frustration involved with the Circles (particulary Circles 4-7) and near the end I just wanted to give up. I stuck it through and now I feel really good that I did.

temposchlucker - Haha well I didn't quite quit my job. Was more like I was fired lol. However, you are correct. My rating is nowhere near where it needs to be to play for any kind of living.

caquetio knight - Thanks! What's your handle on again? I forget these things...

kevin - Thanks for the kind words man! Made my day... Anywho, as far as books, I only have a select few. For the endgame, I have "Just the Facts" by Alburt. I've also been studying "Chess Openings for White Explained", also by Alburt and Roman. Which books do you suggest?

damourax said...

Nemo! That's an amazing accomplishmente! When you sayed that on I thought that was the circle 5, but is all of them! Oh god, this inspire me, it was for me finish my circles right next to you, but after some breaks and a reestart i'm in the middle of circle 1, but someday i'll make!!

I've seen with my our eyes (and pieces) you getting better and better since this circle thing start! Congratulations, you're a true Knight Victorious Now!

I'd recommend Think Like a Grand Master, you can find it on web (I know that's nice BUY the books, but they don't have a portuguese edition and buy in others countries is too much expensive, so I'll catch them on net ;)), then play like a grand master and train like a grand master. Simultaniously try Modern Strategy on chess (or something like, I have the spanish edition) from Pachman and make some good efforts on endgame!

I'm proud of you man! Congratulations one more time!

(I'm keeping my finger crossed, you'll find a new better job soon)

The Caquetio Knight said...

Nemo how did you put the results screen on the blog?


drunknknite said...

Oh I forgot to respond to this...

I like Pandolfini's Endgame Course, it gets a bad rap but it really is a good start to endgame study. I don't know much about that Just the Facts book, but I guess the Silman book is good. I like Silman's strategy books, they would probably be good for you. How to Reassess Your Chess Workbook seems to pretty much encompass the whole series, and it has problems which is very useful.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, and hope you get another job soon. First things first.

BlunderProne said...

Great work on the Circles! It's always nice to see immediate results.

What kind of work you looking for and where do you live again?

Sir Nemo said...

Thanks guys! I hope to find work soon as well.

Blunderprone, I live in Albuquerque, new mexico. Right now I'm just looking for any kind of work. I'm going to try to make it into the fire academy. I really wanna be a fireman.

And I apologize that I havent posted lately guys. Still struggling with things in life. I hope all the Knights are doing well!

likesforests said...

Hi Nemo, how has the job search gone? I noticed you haven't posted or logged into in awhile. I hope you found a good job or a spot in the fire academy and things are going so well you just haven't had much time for chess. :)